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Tara Brown
Cat Workout - Workout with your cat or cat-like instrument!
The Tail of The Lucky Cat
Articles / Videos I'm in:
CNN Health: http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/06/05/fat.cats.owners.exercise/
BoingBoing: Cat Workout http://boingboing.net/2009/06/05/cat-workout.html
How To
How to Prepare for a Protest March
I have severe endometriosis and I want to try and combat it naturally as I was told by experts that surgery won't totally eliminate it.
Wikipedia: Endometriosis
Endometriosis: a key to healing through nutrition
Endometriosis Diet
Amazon: Endometriosis A key to healing through nutrition
Vegan Recipes
Summaries of Twitter @Replies to Questions I post out there in Tweet land
Myers-Briggs Personality Types
Fun Stuff
Planning a trip to Las Vegas??
March 2009
My Talk Nerd Baiter is a Core Conversation at SXSWi 2009
Oct. 31, 2008
Got Married to Sean Bonner!
June 14-15, 2008
Flickr Pics
Jeff Pulver Interview
Robert Scoble Interview
TAStv Interview
Blogs / mentions:
Tantek Celik
John Cook from seattlepi.com
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